Antimeter is an overall value assigned to a CD based off of its Lethality, Dexterity, and Absurdity. Usually, its individual Lethality, Dexterity, and Absurdity levels are listed underneath its Antimeter level. L-D-A values are set on a scale of 1 through 10. Antimeter is the average of these 3 values.
- Lethality: Determines the amount of destruction, chaos, or casualties that can be caused. Value of 1 means the CD is harmless or does not otherwise cause any direct harm to individuals. Value of 5 means many injuries or several deaths in a concentrated area. Value of 10 means the total obliteration of the universe.
- Dexterity: Determines how easily a CD is able to escape containment. Value of 1 means the CD cannot escape containment at all. Value of 5 means it may be able to escape, depending on the circumstances within its containment chamber. Value of 10 means it is not containable at all.
- Absurdity: Determines how complex or nonsensical a CD is. Value of 1 means that the CD is easily comprehensible. Value of 5 means that it may require some obscure background information, discussions of interpretations amongst faculty, or actual thinking to understand. Value of 10 means that trying to understand this CD is hopeless.
Ultimately, L-D-A values should be discussed amongst researchers so that accurate values are recorded.