CD#: 04

Antimeter Level: 3

Status: Contained

Containment Procedure: 04a must be kept in a standard storage locker, only to be taken out for testing. 04b must be contained in a standard 10ftx10ftx8ft (LxWxH) human containment chamber. Requests for additional assets to her chamber should be accepted, if they are within reason. Under no circumstances should Dr. Hernandez be reassigned to research CD-04.

Description: CD-04 is split between two entities: 04a, any reflective object in 04b's possession, and 04b, a teenage girl of Mexican descent. 04a appears as nothing more than a regular rectangular standing mirror, save for its anomalous properties. 04b stands at 5 feet, 4 inches, with black hair and dark brown eyes. She currently weighs 129 lbs. at the time of documentation. It is unknown if whether or not her anomaly were present at the time of her conception. This is due to 04b's and Dr. Hernandez's conflicting accounts on whether or not they were already present.

Whenever 04b comes into contact with any reflective object, it becomes an instance of 04a. Instances of 04a allow 04b to see any event in the past, present, or future, though 04a is limited to only show one event at a time. Because of limitations on 04a's ability, 04b is not able to pinpoint exact times as to when these events will occur.

Testing Addendum 1

Testing Addendum 1

Date: 02/13/2023

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Dr. Pine: Hey there, Isabella.

04b: Hey Dr. Pine. What's going on?

Dr. Pine: (taken aback) ...I'm supposed to be running a few tests with you and Dr. Hernandez soon, but I have to wait for her to get here with a mirror. What are you up to?

04b: Nothing much, as per usual. Anything new with you?

Dr. Pine: Not much. Still working on trying to get █████ to not be so tense around me. He seems so relaxed with other researchers, but when I walk in, it's a whole different story.

04b: Maybe he's picking up on how lame you are.

Dr. Pine: (flustered) I am not lame.

04b: You are, but whatever.

Dr. Pine: I'm not!

04b: (rolling her eyes) Whatever helps you sleep at night. Who's this Dr. Hernandez, anyway? You mentioned her earlier.

Dr. Pine: Well, she's another researcher here at this site.

04b: Well, that's obvious. I'm saying like, who is she?

Dr. Pine: Why do you ask?

04b: No reason, other than curiosity. How long is it gonna be until she gets here?

Dr. Pine: I'm not entirely sure, I thought she would be here by now... again, why do you ask?

04b: Because. I know how this is going to end. All I can do is play along with the Circumstances and count the seconds until it begins.

Dr. Pine: And why do you know that? You know you're not supposed to have anything reflective in your chamber.

04b: I know I'm not supposed to, but it's pretty easy hiding it when you know exactly where someone's gonna look next. Give me an ETA on Hernandez's arrival.

Dr. Pine: As I said before, I'm not sure when she's going to-

The observation cell door opens. Dr. Hernandez is standing on the other side. A guard is carrying in a rectangular standing mirror. 04b quickly gets up.

04b: (uncomfortable) My god... it really is her.

Dr. Hernandez: Afternoon, Dr. Pine. (towards the guard) Place the mirror inside the chamber.

Guard: Alright.

Dr. Hernandez: (walking to Dr. Pine, looking towards 04b) So who are we testing on today... (trailing off)

Dr. Hernandez: ...Isabella? Is that... is that really you?

Testing Addendum 1

Date: 02/13/2023

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04b: Mom. Yes, it's really me. (looking away)

Dr. Hernandez: I see. Even after four years, you still have the same attitude.

04b: (sighing heavily) Here we go...

Dr. Hernandez: You would think four years would change someone, especially at your age, but you're still the same as you were back then.

04b: I could say the same for you. Still constantly complaining about the way I am. Just hurry up and get this test over with. I don't want to drag this on for much longer.

Dr. Hernandez: Fine, but first, tell me: where have you been these last four years?

04b: Why does that matter? Just start the test.

Dr. Hernandez: (scoffing) Isn't it obvious? You ran away when you were 13, wielding a potentially dangerous ability that could've been used for horrible reasons. Do you know how badly I worried for you? How I stayed up at night anxiously waiting for when you'd return? If you'd return?

Dr. Pine: (sensing the intensity) ...I think I'm just gonna leave you guys to work this out... I'll be back in an hour. (sliding away towards the door)

04b: I know you worried! I constantly checked to see how you were doing, but I just... I couldn't stay in that house any longer. And it was because of you! You made me feel like I was drowning every second I was in that house! I needed to get out... (shaking)

Dr. Hernandez: You needed to get out? For what? I put a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and in return, you run away? What more did you need?

04b: I needed someone who could truly support me! I needed someone who I could trust and confide in! But all you did was turn everything I said into a lecture! And don't even get me started on when I came out, because I swear to God, you never looked at me the same again.

Dr. Hernandez: I didn't know how to raise a kid like you! We didn't have stuff like that when I was younger! I didn't have to worry about stuff like "homosexuality" and "depression."

04b: And that's why you're so awful! You could never understand how I feel! That's why I ran!

Dr. Hernandez: But I still tried! I cared for you! I tried my hardest to protect you! You were my only child! How was I supposed to feel as a mother who failed her only child?

04b: I know I'm your child! It's what I've always been! But I'm not a child anymore... (on the verge of tears) I'm not the same as I was four years ago. I wanted to be an artist. Now I'm here, and I don't know what I want to be.

Dr. Hernandez: You should've been a lawyer. or a doctor.

Both are out of breath from yelling at each other.

04b: You need to leave.