CD#: 01

Antimeter Level: 6

Status: Uncontained

Containment Procedure: Once CD-01 is returned to containment, he is to be kept in a standard 10ftx10ftx8ft (LxWxH) human containment chamber. Any additional requests may be approved, so long as they are not unreasonable or cause problems. Rearrangement of furniture should be discouraged, but not outright prohibited. In the event that CD-01 becomes unstable, guards armed with tasers should quickly enter the chamber to calm him down. If any information regarding CDs is leaked, or a CD is released from containment, CD-01 must be interrogated immediately.

Description: CD-01 is a 19-year-old man named █████. He is of European descent, stands at roughly 5 feet, 9 inches, and has brown eyes and hair. Because of his nature of rarely cooperating with researchers, there have been few tests conducted, and only one of which has been logged since the others came up with no additional information. Following the events detailed in Containment Addendum 2, CD-01 has breached containment and has presumed to be living with Dr. Pine. As a result, his abilities are poorly understood and believed to be some sort of teleportation. According to CD-01 himself, his ability allows him to "break down into subatomic particles" that let him pass through any form of matter through "quantum tunneling", though any evidence of this has yet to appear on any monitoring devices (see Test Addendum 1).

Despite rarely no longer cooperating with researchers, he has shown a willingness to stay in containment as long as his requests for additional items to his chamber are fulfilled. After asking a researcher to give him extra pillows, the staff member who walked in to give him said pillows asked what he needed them for, as he had already requested extra pillow 17 times over the course of his containment. CD-01 told the staff member that "the time is near and [that he] want[s] to be comfortable when it happens." CD-01 has refused to elaborate on what exactly "it" is (see Containment Addendum 1).

Testing Addendum 1

Testing Addendum 1

Date: 01/21/2023


01: So, are you all just gonna make me go through walls and stuff?

Dr. Pine: Essentially.

01: Nothing else? How boring. I was passing through walls since I was three.

Dr. Pine: Well, we have to get a basic understanding of how exactly you're able to pass through solid matter.

01: Did nobody tell you? I said, that my body breaks down into particles that let me go through stuff. I think so anyway. I'm basing this on the fact that it feels like my body breaks down every time I do it.

Dr. Pine: Yeah, I've heard. We'll just have to check if that's true or not. We have machines ready to monitor the amounts of particles in the area.

01: Sounds stupid. Can we get this over with already? I want a vending machine next... or maybe a pinball machine.

Dr. Pine: Yes, we're starting now. Go ahead and try to teleport into the observation area that I'm in.

01: Alright, cool.

01 proceeds to take a few steps back before running towards the glass. After getting close enough, he jumps into the glass and appears on the other side.

01: Ouch.

Dr. Pine: Does it hurt every time you teleport?

01: Okay, one, it's not teleporting, I’ve already told you this. Two, breaking down into particles isn’t exactly a painless process. It doesn’t sound painless either.

Dr. Pine: Hm... it doesn't seem that the particles have increased on the graph.

01: ...what?

Dr. Pine: The particles haven't increased.

01: I thought you were supposed to be smart. I don't create particles out of nothing, that would violate the laws of thermodynamics. I told you, I break down into particles, meaning my body disassembles. Which means, you did all this for nothing. I mean, seriously? It's a fucking Saturday, I could be doing anything else right now and you decided to waste my time.

01 turns and walks through the wall towards his chamber.

01: Fuck this shit, dude. Got me wasting my time on some bullshit.

01 turns his head around and continues walking towards his chamber.

01: You gonna get me that vending machine right? And that pinball machine? I want both of those since you decided to waste my time. You got that? Both! Not one or the other!

Dr. Pine: (visibly embarrassed) ...sure, I'll get you those.


Containment Addendum 1 has not been digitized yet. Printed copies are available in the CD-01 observation cell.

Containment Addendum 2

Containment Addendum 2

Date: 11/19/2023

Page 1 of 2


Dr. Pine walks into the observation cell to check on CD-01, as he often does around the winter time.

Dr. Pine: How are you doing this evening, █████?

01: (laying in bed) Fine, I guess.

Dr. Pine: Are you really? I know how it gets around winter.

01: Wow, you know me sooo well. And really, I feel fine... I guess.

Dr. Pine: It's not just you that feels depressed. The whole facility feels gloomy. The one thing everyone's looking forward to is Christmas, though. I'm pretty sure we're going to have another Christmas party this year.

01: Sounds fun.

Dr. Pine: I'll look into getting you invited as well, since I know you're pretty isolated in here despite being able to leave whenever you want.

01: No need to remind me about all that. I know it's depressing in here and I know I can leave whenever I want.

Dr. Pine: Well, why don't you?

01: (sitting up) What?

Dr. Pine: Why don't you leave? You have the ability to, but you've chosen to stay here. Why is that?

01: (turning to face the wall) ...

Dr. Pine: If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have-

01: Once when I was 17, right after I was put into containment and around Christmas, I ripped out my heart and put it in a gift-wrapped box. I was thinking of giving it to someone, but when I realized what I was doing, I stopped myself. I didn't have anyone to give it to anymore, since I was alone in this chamber. So I just sat there on my bed, shivering from how cold it was, with the wrapped box to the side and a bleeding cavity in my chest. I took out my laptop and smeared blood on the keys as I typed in the password to log in. I listened to some songs on Spotify and thought about everything that happened leading up to my detaining. I thought about the first time I saw you. Up until that point, everyone I had met at this facility was cruel and saw me as nothing more than a subject to experiment on. But not you. You saw me as a human being. A real person, and not just the ability that I have. I had never felt so...

Dr. Pine: ...felt what?

Containment Addendum 2

Date: 11/19/2023

Page 2 of 2

01: Happy? I think? I don't know. All I know is that I felt happy just... being around you. Like...

Dr. Pine:

01: (shifting nervously), you know. A crush. (whispered)

Dr. Pine: A what? (leaning in)

01: A crush.

Dr. Pine: ...oh.

Both their faces are visibly red with embarrassment.

01: Do you... feel the same?

Dr. Pine: I don't want to answer that. I have a job here, █████. I can't afford to...

01: What? Can't afford to what?

Dr. Pine: I can't afford to be in a relationship like this, given that you're... well, a subject here.

01: Wow. So you do just see me as a subject. I can't believe this. I... I trusted you and confided in you. And, and y-you say this to me? I can't, I...

Dr. Pine: █████, wait! I didn't...

Before Dr. Pine can get the words out, 01 passes through a wall and escapes from containment. He returned five hours later, with disheveled clothing, red eyes, and bruises on his body. Dr. Pine is inside his chamber when he returns.

01: What the fuck are you doing in my chamber?

Dr. Pine: █████! Please, listen, I didn't mean it like that. It's just-

01: Then what did you mean?! What else could you have possibly meant?!

Dr. Pine: Please. Sit down and let me explain.

01 takes a few seconds to compose himself before sitting down.

01: Okay. What?

Dr. Pine: I do... feel the same about you. But you have to understand, relationships like that are unheard of. No staff member has ever been in a relationship with a CD before. I don't think... I don't think it'd be a good idea for us to be together. Not because I don't see you as a person, but because I care about you and want you to be safe.

01: I don't care what other people think. I just want to be with you.

Dr. Pine: I just told you, we can't be in a relationship like that-

01: It doesn't have to be here! It doesn't have to be contained in this chamber! We can go somewhere else. Like... when you get off work, I can meet you somewhere and we can be together in secret.

Dr. Pine: I… I don’t know… if that would work. How would you even manage to sneak out undetected?

01: I’ve snuck out of this facility a lot of times before. Trust me. Just pick a time and place and I’ll be there. Also, don’t tell anyone I sneak out sometimes. Please?

Dr. Pine: Okay. I’ll set up a time and place for us to meet, and I won’t tell anyone that you sneak out.


Sticky note attached to Containment Addendum 2, from Head Researcher Dr. Perry:

As of 2/14/2024, Dr. Pine has been fired.

Let this be a reminder that everything you say in any CD's containment chamber is recorded.

If anyone manages to find where both of them have run off to, email me immediately.